According to the Business Daily, over 60 percent of the Kenyan population has smartphones. Internet access in the country via mobile phones stands at 83 percent, which is the highest in Africa. Over 20 percent of the Kenyan population is active on social media platforms, particularly WhatsApp and Facebook. On these platforms, Kenyans connect with each other, brands, politicians, and celebrities among others. They share opinions and information about places they have visited generating legitimate and powerful reviews of brands and products in the process. Basically, the “word ofmouse” marketing that thrives on social media is powerful enough to build or destroy any brand. This is why smart entrepreneurs always keep an eye on the chatter on social media platforms.
Cognizant of their marketing power, all the leading social media platforms, including Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube have mobile phone tools to automate social media marketing. This article looks at a tool from each of these platforms and adds two bonus third-party tools at the end.
The Facebook Pages Manager is a standalone app that allows admins of Facebook pages to manage posts, schedule updates on the pages, and promote posts. It is a very handy tool both for professional social media managers and entrepreneurs who are managing their own Facebook pages. One can use this app to schedule page updates for an entire week and beyond and the scheduled information will be posted automatically even if the admin is offline at that point.
Though not a standalone app like the Facebook Pages Manager, the Twitter for business account allows users to automate their Twitter marketing campaign and identify trending conversations quickly. The account also recommends new marketing strategies to users.
WhatsApp Business is a standalone app designed with the needs of businesses in mind. It gives businesses the ability to automate greeting messages, away messages, and quick replies to enquiries. The app also eases communication with clients and prospects. One can also add a business profile, including office location, opening hours, email, and website.
An Instagram business account has one major advantage over all the other apps in this list as it allows one to post concurrently to Instagram, Facebook Page, and Twitter account. An Instagram Business Account also allows one to create a business profile and analyze the performance of Instagram posts and stories. Other options available to users of the Instagram Business Account include the ability to advertise with live videos, photos, and the IGTV.
YouTube Studio allows users to upload and manage their YouTube videos right from their smartphone. Users can also use this app to go live on YouTube, analyze the performance of videos, and to manage comments.
Bonus Apps
Hootsuite is a freemium app designed to manage multiple social media accounts. One can use this app to schedule updates on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. This app also allows users to monitor performance of certain keywords and to reply to messages or comments to any of the supported social media platforms without having to directly login into those platforms. It is, therefore, a very useful tool for social media managers and entrepreneurs to have. Hootsuite supports 3 or less social media accounts for free but one can manage more accounts and access many more useful features by upgrading to the paid Pro plan.
Mention is an app that allows users to monitor social media and the web in general for the mention of certain keywords. This enables users to identify conversations to engage in, which can enhance the visibility of a brand on social media platforms. This app also assists in damage control by enabling users to identify negative mentions of their brand quickly thereby facilitating quick responses to control the damage.
So, there you have it, 7 mobile phone apps to assist you in automating your social media marketing campaigns. You can enhance your digital marketing knowledge even further by reading how small businesses in Eldoret can harness digital marketing to grow revenues.
Of course, if you are having trouble with formulating and implementing a digital marketing strategy for your business, send us a message on our website or get in touch with us via or via our social media pages. We eat, drink, and breath digital marketing and we shall surely come up with an ideal digital marketing strategy to push your brand to the top.
Ready to elevate your digital presence? Contact Agetake Kreatives today for a free, personalized quote. Let's collaborate to bring your vision to life and achieve your business goals. Reach out now to start the journey towards digital success!
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